The Future is Heritage

The Future is Heritage is een internationaal netwerk en platform dat als doel heeft de positie van jongeren in het Europese erfgoedveld te versterken

For English see below

Internationaal netwerk

The Future is Heritage (FisH) is een internationaal netwerk en platform dat als hoofddoel heeft de positie van jongeren in het Europese erfgoedveld te versterken. FisH faciliteert interregionale uitwisselingen waar young professionals en studenten uit heel Europa hun kennis en ervaringen met elkaar én met ervaren erfgoedprofessionals kunnen delen. De uitwisselingen zullen plaatsvinden online – op een online platform – en offline, tijdens summer schools, workshops, netwerkbijeenkomsten en andersoortige bijeenkomsten in Europa. Klik hier om de website van Future is Heritage te bezoeken.

Evenement Europees jaar van de jeugd 2022

2022 is door de Europese Commissie uitgeroepen tot het Europees jaar van de jeugd. Het jaar belicht het belang van de Europese jeugd voor een betere toekomst. Groener, inclusiever en digitaler. Aansluitend op dat thema organiseerde FisH een driedaags evenement in Praag, waarin werd getoond welke rol erfgoed daarbij kan spelen. En wat het belang is van intergenerationele samenwerking in de erfgoedsector. Dat betekende dat young professionals samen met more established professionals aan de slag gingen.

Een internationaal projectteam dat bestond uit studenten en young professionals uit Italië, de Verenigde Staten, India, Indonesië en Nederland werkte aan een programma waarin onder andere de volgende thema’s een rol speelden:

  • Archeology
  • Dark Tourism
  • Social Inclusion
  • Digitalisation

Het evenement vond van 24 tot en met 27 september plaats in Praag, bekijk hier de resultaten. Lees ook het verslag in de European Heritage Tribute. Je vindt het hier.

FisH is in 2018 geïnitieerd Erfgoed Brabant. Afgelopen jaren hebben we samengewerkt met verschillende partners als Erfgoed Gelderland, Rempart en Archè. In 2022 wordt Fish ondersteund door Erfgoed Brabant, Erfgoed Gelderland, de jongerenambassadeurs van Europa Nostra en ESACH (European Students' Association for Cultural Heritage). Wilt u ook meewerken aan het versterken van de positie van young professionals en studenten in de Europese erfgoedsector of bent u geïnteresseerd? Neem dan contact op met

Heritage Field School 2021

Van 8 tot en met 11 oktober 2021 vond in Nederland de Heritage Field School plaats. Deze bijeenkomst is georganiseerd door FisH. Klik hier voor een verslag (Engels) van de Heritage Field School.

The Future is Heritage

You can now apply for The Future is Heritage Summit 2022 until August 31st:

Invitation for The Future is Heritage Summit 2022

Putting youth at the center of cultural heritage development in Europe

The Future is Heritage (hereafter: FisH) is an international network and platform that aims to strengthen the position of young people working in the heritage field throughout Europe. FisH is an initiative of regional heritage organization Erfgoed Brabant (NL), and is now looking for partner organizations to join us in our Creative Europe project!

What it’s about

The core aim of FisH is to strengthen the position of young professionals and students in cultural heritage, by Improving their capacities by developing new skills and by promoting innovative approaches to project creation and new ways of heritage management. Moreover, we promote the transnational mobility of young heritage professionals with a view to enabling them to cooperate internationally and to internationalize their careers (corresponding with the priorities of the European cooperation projects 2020 call). In this framework, FisH creates new possibilities for intergenerational dialogue, where experienced professionals will be inspired by new energy, and young professionals will learn from other one's experiences and knowledge. This exchange will take place in new and innovative work forms that are created together with the next generation of heritage leaders.

Promoting unity in diversity

At a time when the European Union and the idea of a united Europe are seen as distant from the daily life of European citizens, cultural heritage can play a role in fostering the feeling of unity in diversity amongst all of us. FisH, therefore, will facilitate interregional exchanges, where young professionals from different regions of the continent can come and share their best-practices in cultural heritage and their experiences. These exchanges will be organized online, through an accessible online platform, and offline, though the organization of events in different regions around the continent created both for and by young people, and in collaboration with more experienced professionals for an ultimate learning and networking experience. 

Three focus themes for 2020-2024

For the upcoming period, three themes will be at the center of our activities.

  • Archaeology

Many new and exciting developments within the field of archaeology can use the ideas of young heritage professionals. Digitization within the sector can create new opportunities for the collection and display of archaeological remains. Young people are part of the digital generations who are at the forefront of the development of these new techniques. Through working sessions and excursion on location, FisH will provide a unique and innovative knowledge platform for innovation in archaeology. By organizing attractive and publicly accessible events, FisH will also work on audience development for this sector.

  • Sustainable tourism

Tourism is one of the world’s largest economic sectors, and the long-term effects of mass tourism become increasingly visible. To preserve heritage while keeping it accessible for tourists around the world, we must think of new ways of management and presentation and consider new trends that can give lasting impulses to the sector, such as pop-culture tourism. With interregional exchange, FisH will facilitate the development of more sustainable solutions.

  • Heritage and development.

Both rural and urban areas handle different questions of preserving heritage by developing it. Exchanging this knowledge across European regions with hands-on exchange events improves the quality of heritage development projects around the continent. FisH contributes to addressing current heritage development issues by organizing capacity building on location and facilitating open source content sharing.

The FisH method: lasting impact

In 2021, the FisH network will kick-off a new phase by building lasting partnerships across the continent. Together with two leading partner organizations from different areas of the continent, we will develop our reach even further and give more young professionals the possibility to join our movement. By facilitating contact and exchange of knowledge, through the Future is Heritage network and capacity building, the local cultural heritage communions become part of a European network which encourages a sense of common European history and values.

To facilitate this, we will organize offline and online networking and events.


Together with partner organizations, we will develop different capacity building and exchange events on various actual topics in the European heritage field. Each partner organization will host such activities to ensure interregional exchange amongst ourselves and amongst participants who will be invited to join us via an open call. For instance:

  • summer schools
  • exhibitions, for which we will use the knowledge and skills of the artists and heritage professionals who are among our participants
  • capacity building events, in which we will prioritize the exchange of research, both academically and practically, and in which we will use non-formal education techniques such as workshops
  • network meetings, to help the participants meet people and organizations from other countries who might be able to help them expand their careers abroad

Here, we will bring together young and more experienced professionals in intergenerational settings, where they can work together on projects and case studies and share experiences from their professional backgrounds and regional contexts. These events are not a goal in itself: they facilitate the long-term network-building that FisH aims to do. The audience for these events will not be limited to participants and organizers as each one of them will be complemented with public side events such as exhibitions, TED-talks, or local networking evenings.


Participants of our offline events will be able to join our online community (the FisH-Alumni), which already includes participants from all over the continent who joined our previous events in Berlin, Athens, and Waalre (NL). With this online platform, we will keep on building our heritage movement even further. FisH Alumni will be invited to share news and opportunities from within the heritage field and will be encouraged to organize satellite events in the regions where they are based. Continuous online exchange of content will enable FisH Alumni to keep on developing professionally and personally, ultimately increasing their chances for successful international careers in the heritage sector. The platform we will create, will be the lasting heritage of our project which will be able to support young heritage professionals in their networking and professional development for years to come.

Join our consortium!

FisH and Erfgoed Brabant are now looking for partner organizations willing to take up the challenge of strengthening the position of young professionals in the European heritage sector. Together, we will organize exchange events and develop our online platform into the first European youth exchange movement in cultural heritage, run with and for young heritage professionals. Interested in joining? Visit the website of The Future is Heritage. Or reach out via!